Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.
Introduce your ākonga to the language of film, filmmaking techniques, and encourage their creative expression. Ideally suited to sharing stories from your rohe, this programme involves a sequence of half-day, in-school workshops before or after a learning experience in OnTV at Nōku te Ao Capital E. Ākonga collaboratively engage in the film-making process, using their own ideas and high-quality film production equipment. A great way to enhance cross-curricular learning, including meaning-making and designing and developing digital outcomes.
Note: This programme is available to schools in Wellington, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt and Porirua cities.
Class size: Maximum 30 ākonga.
Years: 5+
Duration: Up to four half-day workshops in-school and 2.5 hours at Nōku te Ao Capital E.
Note: The Ministry of Education funding subsidises our prices for education groups. Prices and programmes vary for non-school groups. If you are a Community or Holiday Provider group and you wish to make a booking, please email education@experiencewellington.org.nz with your enquiry.
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