Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Mō Mātou


At Nōku te Ao Capital E we harness the power of play to ignite creativity, build confidence, and foster resilience in tamariki and rangatahi, preparing them for the future.   

Our foundation, our gifted name

Inspired by the whakapapa of play and the first kaihōpara explorers of Pōneke, our refreshed brand draws from the traditions of whai string games, and our gifted name is brought to the forefront representing our past, present and future.

Te Wāhi Tākaro PlayHQ 

In PlayHQ we encourage process-led creative discovery with open-ended activities, workshops, and play for tamariki under five years of age.  


Our curriculum linked ELC MediaLab and OnTV learning experiences encourage creativity, teamwork and fun.

Ngā Hōtaka Hararei ā-Kura
School Holiday Programmes

During the school holidays we run workshops for tamariki aged 6-12 years old. Our programmes range from game design and development to creative activities.

Te Nuku Whare ki Te Matapihi
Moving to Te Matapihi

Nōku te Ao Capital E is moving to Wellington’s new central library, Te Matapihi ki te Ao Nui, in early 2026.

We are a charity

Wheako Pōneke Experience Wellington (a charity and Council Controlled Organisation) operates six iconic arts, cultural and science institutions – Nōku te Ao Capital E, Te Whare Toi City Gallery Wellington, Te Whaka Huia o Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho Wellington Museum, Cable Car Museum, Te Ara Whānui ki te Rangi Space Place and Nairn Street Cottage.
Generosity from individuals, partners, and funders help to deliver remarkable experiences that encourage curiosity and learning across the city you love. 

National Theatre for Children closure

In December 2023, National Theatre for Children closed ending a 29-year history of delivering theatre performances to tamariki across Aotearoa. See how we plan to honour its legacy.

Enrich your digital learning programme with innovative and immersive workshops in our digital studios, OnTV and MediaLab.