Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Conductive paint surprises and delights

A child looking in Topsy Turvy looking at a conductive paint box.

Conductive paint is delighting and surprising tamariki in the newest PlayHQ activation.

Clever networks of conductive paint have been painted beneath the surface of the animal boxes in Topsy Turvy. When touched, the circuit is completed and noises emerge from a speaker hidden within.

The animal boxes feature hidden circuits made of conductive paint.

Conductive paint has been a recurring feature in PlayHQ activations, appearing in many forms over the years. In this edition, the hidden networks are used to create noises when the faces of animals are touched. But in Topsy Turvy things aren’t always what they seem… the poaka are cluck-ing and the heihei are oink-ing!

See the animal boxes yourself at Topsy Turvy.

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