Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Shadow Puppet Inspiration from Sticks Stones Broken Bones

Tim Sneddon in Sticks Stones Broken Bones – Photo by Andrew Wuttke

Capital E is excited to present Sticks Stones Broken Bones as part of our National Arts Festival 2017! In this amazing show presented by Bunk Puppets, shadow puppet characters are assembled on the spot from household items, old toys, bits of fluff and bits of card, and transformed into live cartoons on screen. This clever show is a celebration of play and creativity, with the audience seeing puppetry performed in front of the screen and receiving a cheeky peek into how theatrical wizardry is performed.

Masterful puppeteer and creator Tim Sneddon gathers objects from around him and delights in suspense as he gradually transforms them from the mundane into the magical! Audiences the world over have gasped with delight and suspense as “jumbled clumps of bric-a-brac are backlit to produce another eye-popping living cartoon silhouette on the rough-edged screen” (Nik Smythe, Theatreview) . We know that young Wellingtonians and their whanau will adore the clever vignettes and the charming stories that are created in front of their eyes.

Tim Sneddon in Bunk Puppets Sticks Stones Broken Bones- photo by Andrew Wuttke

Delighting audiences around the world from Edinburgh to Tokyo, via Dubai and Madrid, Bunk Puppets squeeze imagination from the objects you use and see every day – they may even call on audiences for their own contributions of items to be transformed into storytelling. Try creating your own shadow puppets from everyday objects, inspired by Sticks Stones Broken Bones!

Find out more and buy tickets to Sticks Stones Broken Bones at Capital E National Arts Festival now!



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