Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Bloomin’ Beautiful Festival of the Elements

Is it a dinosaur, a spaceship, a chandelier, a cloud? Find out at the Waitangi Day Festival of the Elements in Porirua this weekend, when you and Capital E bring Bloom to life.

Bloom consists of thousands of identical pink pieces that let children and big kids connect, construct and deconstruct 3D installations with no boundaries or rules.  Creating installations with Bloom is like growing an alien garden, cultivating surreal landscapes that are truly one of a kind. Imagination and interaction are the fuel for this organic and collaborative sculpture experience, which is a great way to introduce children to sculpture and design.

Bloom at Capital E’s Great Scavenger Hunt – photo by Duo Photography

Capital E is welcoming youngsters to play and create with Bloom at the Waitangi Day Festival of the Elementsin Porirua on February 6 2017 in and around Te Rauparaha Park, the Arena and Pātaka. The Festival is celebrating 25 years since the first event with a stellar silver anniversary line-up.

This festival has a unique flavour, thanks to the collaboration between the Porirua Community Arts Counciland Porirua City Council to bring world-class performers to Porirua. This year’s line-up includes delicious food trucks from around the Wellington region, arts and activities, stalls and community groups, and renowned musicians including award-winning hip-hop and soul songstress Ladi6, satirical and witty throwback performers the Maori Side Steps, and jazzy vocalists Chocolate Box.


Bloom is also part of Odd Lands, a zany world of outlandish outdoor performance as part of Capital E’s National Arts Festival for school students from around the Wellington region. Odd Lands will be bustling from 11.30am until 1pm every weekday from 13-25 March during the National Arts Festival, with interactive experiences for children including participatory sculpture and art. Children can help stranded whales get back to the ocean, laugh endlessly with award-winning clown Fraser Hooper, and even see amazing aerial acts on the Hikitia steam crane in the harbour.

The Odd Lands experience is for education audiences only, so for cheeky preview of the wonder of Bloom, and to hear from the Capital E team to find out more about the National Arts Festival 2017, come visit us at the Waitangi Day Festival of the Elements on Monday 6 February!

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